Monday, December 20, 2010

informally formal

yes, it's been a while and i'm going to dispense with the punctuation and fun things like that.  i'd like to make this seem like a conversation instead of some english class that i'm trying to get good grades in. 

just wondering what happened to the days when kids would address adults and authority figures by mr. so-and-so or mrs. so-and-so. or when the lack of respect or fear in adults started to happen. not that i'm so young or that old, but i still have a tendency to want to address adults by mr. or mrs. or ms. instead of remembering that i can actually use first names.  for instance at my daughters school i have recently started working there as a PE teacher and I still want to say mr or ms so-and-so to some that were my oldest daughters teachers.  or even new people i meet and they are a bit older than me, i still want to be formal.

my oldest daughter and her generation have a more 'relaxed' way of addressing each other and sometimes they are that familiar with the parents that it's not mr or mrs so-and-so. although not too familiar that some are addressed formally. thankfully teachers hold the honor of being in that category still. even i have fallen into the trap of being addressed by my first name only instead of ms or formally mrs...  when i teach PE i'm not mrs or ms i'm coach.  now the same goes for my younger children, they are on a first name basis with some adults but that's because we as the adults allow it. it's rare to hear me being addressed as anything other than my first name.

are we that relaxed of a society now or are we forgetting our manners? the times of ma'am and sir seem to be lost.  the formality of children being respectful and formal with adults have started to disappear and we're becoming too familiar with children.  is it better or worse? could it be that parents are younger these days and have dispensed with the 'old' ways of their childhood? is it the reason why kids are being raised by tv or by their peers because parents are not interested in preserving the 'old' ways? time will tell when this generation becomes adults and have children of their own. but for now we'll keep in informally formal.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Morning Ritual...

*hanging head in shame* I've been a bad blogger. I'd put myself in timeout but I know I'd enjoy the peace and quiet too much. :) So many things I've been wanting to blog about that my brain actually had some #failwhale action. (Shout out to my obsession, Twitter or just Social Media in general)

But for today I will wax poetic about my 3 beautiful children. They are the funniest little creatures I know. And the are the best and worst of me and their father. (I hesitated and almost said donor... Bad mommy.) The stubbornness, thoughtfulness, sarcasm (yes even from the 4 yr old. Oy!) wittiness, silliness and just loveliness that makes them who they are tickle me to no end.

As much as I enjoy them, they also frustrate me to no end!! Let's talk about our mornings before school. My middle girl, my MiniMe, is sooooooooo sllllooooooowwwwwww. With pretty much everything she does. Love that girl to death but seriously!!??! That is why she gets up first so she can eat breakfast and get ready for school. It could literally take her 20 minutes to drink a small glass of milk. No joke. So she has a timed breakfast and can't still be eating past 7:20 or what ever she doesn't eat will either be taken as lunch/snack for school or tossed. And it's simple food like toast with peanut butter, waffles, cereal w/o milk, (ugh, I know right?) some fruit or a combination of some of them. She gets her own breakfast unless she wants eggs or something she can't reach. And yet it takes her over 40 minutes to eat. Then it's the trial of brushing teeth, washing face, bushings hair, putting on lotion, making lunch and finally putting shoes on. Trust me, it's enough to make a Nun want to contemplate promiscuity. Wow, did I just say that? But it's true.

I didn't mention she has to be clothed before coming out of her room either. That's fun because she forgets to lay her clothes out the night before and then we have issues about her needing to change if what she's wearing is just too much for my eyes that early in the morning.

We live about 7 minutes away from the school she goes to so leaving at 8:00 isn't unreasonable. You'd think right? Wrong-o! I have to literally herd her and the 4 yr old out the door while hoping my oldest daughter got ready and will leave on time also. (Thankfully her school is down the street and around the corner)

I just realized this was to be about my children not just one child. Oh well I have the attention span of a gnat when I get on a roll. So next time it may be about another one of my lovely children.

Where was I? Oh yeah, our morning time ritual of sending me closer to the Shady Pines Sanitarium. I help her make her lunch but mostly it's on her. All of the lunch stuff is there she just needs to choose. Maybe that is the issue, too many choices. Doubtful but a thought. So now the choice is whether or not to eat a peanut butter sandwich(no jelly for her), cheese sandwich or a meat and cheese sandwich. (plain btw, bc she doesn't like mayo or mustard, the horror!) or a tortilla wrap... I didn't have these many options when I as her age!! Lunch made and ready to go and now we hope her 4 yr old brother finished eating also, brushed teeth and got dressed. Oh and me too. If I brush my hair it'd be a miracle if I remembered. Everyone ready? All set to go? Ok good.

This morning time ritual is a total of 65-80 minutes every morning just to get ready for school. Some days are better than others and some just make me want to run away with the gypsies. But I wouldn't feel right if it wasn't like this...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

iPhone Love it Hate it...

Crap! Ok as for that previous post I'll delete it once I'm on my POS PC. But for now it stays... Maybe I'll keep it there as a reminder as to what happens when I press the wrong button on my beloved/hated iPhone. So... New topic today was gonna be about food but I will talk about my iPhone.

I got my iPhone as a Mothers' Day gift last year when I was still married. I wanted to wait for the 3GS coming out a few months later but the ex thought I wanted the iPhone sooner even though I clearly said I can wait a few more months. (see he didn't listen to me, topic for another post) Anywho, got it and fell instantly in love. <3

Yes, I fell in love with an inanimate object that can't love me back in return. Or couldn't care if I loved it or not. Sad but true. It's the story of my life these days it seems. Or if i hate it some days and want to throw it against a wall or strangle it as if it were my ex. ; ) side note: I also hate it too. :( It's a love / hate relationship that I can't ever leave or get enough of.

I had an LG Shine and I loved it bc it was shiny. Hahaha how ridonkulous does that sound? But my daughter was going to Austria to play soccer and was going to need a phone. What to do? Ahh, let's give her my phone and I'll get the new iPhone when it comes out! : ) yay! Problem solved, sort of. She wasn't getting a cell phone till she hit 8th grade and she was barely leaving 6th grade behind when she was going to Austria. Oh well, she needed it so it was all good. Win-win! :)

So I open my gift and I am grateful and happy even though my oldest told her father to wait. : ) I spent the rest of the day uploading phone numbers, looking for pics to use for each contact, ring tones, music and of course the multitude of free Apps!! Holy Free Apps Batman! I went balls out and just started downloading all kind of Apps whether I needed them or not! My first App was Facebook! Of course having easy access to it made me love my iPhone even more!

I know it's just a phone but really it's not. At least to me and a lot of people who also love their iPhones!! It's almost obsessive for some people and I guess you could say I'm one of them. Shhh... Don't tell anyone, but I will sometimes put it in a Ziploc bag and take it into the shower with me. ; ) Hahahaha! I'm so not lyin' about that, and no I will not take a photo of that either! And what do you ask am I using my iPhone in the shower for? I will sometimes play music or I FB, text or even Tweet from the shower. I should do a Tweet-cast from the shower some time! Hahaha! Oh boy that would be high-larious! Oh the trouble I could get into with my phone. ; ) I'm keeping it 'G' but it could all go downhill from here. I can multitask on here like nobodies business. I text, FB, Tweet, take photos and send them, check email and surf the web. Oh how much fun I have on here!

That's all about the love I have for my iPhone. But now for the hate part of it..... : ( There are some days that I really want to give it up for adoption and get a whackberry. But I'd never leave my iPhone for another. Sometimes I get bad reception, in my own freakin' house!! Or some apps act like spoiled brats and don't want to cooperate. Or it'll freeze up on me while I Tweet and then it closes down. It's a pain in my tookus sometimes, but just like my children, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it no matter what. :)

So yeah, my iPhone and I are in a serious relationship. I'm thinking of updating my status on Facebook to that and see what happens. : ) It pisses me off, makes me laugh and smile and of course it gives me what I need. Staying connected with all the important people in my life and giving me an opportunity to be more available to those who need me. In a nutshell, I'm crazy about my iPhone and no I don't need to seek professional help for this addiction. =)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fathers' Day...

Ok, so Fathers' Day is on Sunday and this should be an interesting one this year... I'll start with the fact that I lost my own Father almost 4 years ago. Not that I couldn't find him but we hadn't been speaking to each other for years and then when i found out he was ill, i dropped everything (which btw isn't easy when you're a mom of 2 and preggers with #3.) and went to be with him. He lived in southern california and had been since he and my mother divorced over 25 years ago. In the time just after my parents divorced my father made a half assed effort to call whenever he could and we didn't see him at all. We moved to the monterey bay area and he stayed in so cal.

so let me back peddle for a minute. i met my father when i was about 5 or 6 years old. yes i said 'met'. he wasn't in the picture til then for reasons i found out about just a few years ago. and about a year or so later my baby sister was born. my father and i never had an easy relationship. i was a middle child with an older sister who had cerebral palsy on her left side only. so she was obviously needy. then when the baby came, i was all but forgotten bc the baby needed attention, obviously. i wasn't jealous bc my baby sis was like a live doll for me to play with and i was territorial when it came to her. i pretty much helped my mom raise her while my oldest sister who was clumsy, couldn't hold her unless she was sitting with the baby. anyway, my father and i were always sparing and having some kind of war with words. but he was my father and i loved him like you should love your parents. i always felt a connection with him even though it was a strange relationship we had. i mean he embarrassed the heck out me by wearing his tighty whities around the house and to get the newspaper. or he'd play with his false teeth. yes, he had false teeth. my father was 12 years older than my mother.

after my parents divorced it was a bit scary for me bc i didn't know why we were moved away and why we didn't see our father anymore. my mother claims she told us what was going on but i must have blocked it out she says. i really have no idea if she did or not. i have a feeling she didn't because we aren't that type of family that shares emotion and feelings with each other. but that was my father and why wouldn't he want to see us right? wrong-o! at first it didn't hit me that he never came to see us. time went by and eventually i started getting it but was still in denial. i invited him to my high school graduation and he flaked, he sent me birthday money twice in one year because he didn't remember when it was. these were good signs right? my mom and i had a huge fight about him when i was a sophomore in high school and it came to blows. it was ugly and i left the house for almost a week. then the last straw for me was when i had graduated from high school and my then boyfriend and i went to disneyland and universal studios for a week. i called my dad to come see me and to meet my boyfriend. yeah, totally flaked on me again. i was there a whole week and nothing. so i washed my hands of him.

when i got married, i didn't hesitate to ask my oldest uncle to walk me down the aisle. my dad wasn't even a thought and he sure as heck wasn't going to show up if i invited him. so i saved myself the let down. when i had my kids i swore my oldest sister to a vow of silence and she wasn't to tell our dad about them. she's another blog entry... i had been kicking around the idea that i should see him and try to get passed our past history and try to have some kind of relationship. i kept putting it off thinking i have time.

anyways, i got the call that our dad was sick from my youngest sister. she told me he'd had a stroke and he's been in a hospice/rehabilitation facility in so cal. my first reaction was i'm going to see him no matter what my issues with him are. and my second one was fear. would he know me or want me there? i was 8 months preggers and had to make sure the doctor ok'd me for travel before i could go. we told our older sister that we were going and long and twisted story later she wasn't coming along for the trip.

we went and saw him and he looked the same but different in so many other ways. he called me my older sisters name, which i took instant offense to. then my younger sister and i went shopping for him for some essentials like slippers, socks, a comb, lotion and some clothes. he had nothing with him and it was quite sad to see him like that. we left after a few days and we intended on going back to see him again just didn't know when. well, it came in february and what i saw was even more heartbreaking. he no longer could breath on his own and he was wasting away.

i had finally let go of all my childhood resentments and it was too late to try to make amends. so my last time seeing him, i told him i forgave him for all the hurt he caused me bc i knew he knew no other way to be. we are flawed and not as forgiving when it comes to our own parents when they make mistakes. but i knew this was who he was and i was able to accept it and let it go. it was bittersweet bc a few weeks later he passed away. i got to have my peace about it and i finally let go of one thing in my life that was weighing me down. of course now on to the next thing weighing me down. that's for another day.

my kids have a father who wants to be in their lives and i'm ok with that bc that is something i never had. but at the same time it's hard for me to let them go every few days to be with him. this time last year is when my growing discomfort in my marriage came to head and i decided I had to get out, just didn't know how. and since i'd always wanted a dad who would be there for me and my kids get that. so, fathers' day is a good and bad day for me. but i'll carry on like i always do.

well, g'night my darlings. sleep well and remember you're who you're meant to be if you love who you are right now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Ok, so now another rundown of my thoughts on Twitter. And this is almost to repeat what I've said earlier about Twitter. So I'd be RT'ing myself here, LOL! I know, redundant but I thought I'd reiterate what I've said and maybe say a few extra things I may not have said before.

I actually find it a bit interesting or maybe fascinating is a better word for it. You see, with the personal account that I have, I follow my sister and my best friend, celebrities and other interesting things that have to do with entertainment, food, parenting, sports, Affirmations, and believe it or not, tech-stuff. With my public site, I follow 'real' people, some celebrities, and various news outlets and quotables... I get the best of both worlds without giving too much of myself away. You see anonymity is good to an extent but good so my ex can't yell at me for saying anything about my personal life. That's why my personal site with my 'real' name is locked. And my public site has no personal markers except my photo and the link to this Blog, which isn't using my 'real' name. That's another post for another time.

Meeting new people and finding things in common with people from all over the world is really interesting to me. I still don't understand how people get my name and end up 'following' me but how ever they find me, it's still kinda cool. I enjoy 'talking' to people from all over and knowing something I may have to say is interesting enough to someone that they want to comment or they want to engage in a convo with me. I love being able to chat with people from England or South Africa and people from the US, because as different as we all may seem, we really aren't. Like attracts like. So I like to think that the people I happen to talk to are interested in some of the same things I'm interested in and can carry on a convo that doesn't become one-sided.

I am still finding it funny that people want to follow me and that after a few days they unfollow. If I had a fragile ego, I'd be a basket case and have a serious complex about myself. LOL But with the ability to follow, why not be more selective before you automatically follow someone because it was suggested? I will usually follow someone who first has a real photo and a bio that seems interesting, I will read some of their time line to see how they interact with their followers, and see how many they follow and how many follow them and also how often they 'tweet'. And if they follow me and ask me to follow them... Side note: I love taking words and turning them into words associated with Twitter. Anyway, I am selective with whom I follow now. I had mentioned in an earlier post that I would probably follow everyone following me, but I recant that to say that I will follow most that follow me. Because you run the risk of following someone being a douche and blowing up your time line with nonsense or stuff you really don't want to read, or sending you ridonkulous links to things you could care less about.

How do people manage all their followers? It's not an easy thing to do, but if you speak up and chat with me, I'd chat with you. I have been fluctuating between 220 - 225 followers. Don't get me wrong it's actually quite flattering that anyone would want to follow me and that wasn't my intent when I started my public site but keeping up with everyone is not as difficult as I thought it would be. I follow people who have thousands of followers, no joke. How in the world do you keep track of that? Well, my question was answered and it's the same as what I said. If you engage me in convo and you want to chat, I'll chat back and will carry on multiple convos if I can keep it up. But I don't follow with any intent but to chat and see what people have to say. It's getting a glimpse into someone's life that wants to share something with anyone who can read. We become minor celebrities in our own right when someone suggests you as someone to follow. And if someone RT's you (retweets what you just said) its kinda cool that they think what you had to say.

I am who I put out there. I may not always be like that with everyone I'm around, just because I've built my whole life on being the person everyone wanted me to be, or at least who I thought they wanted me to be. Another post for later... But I am what you read and at times I'm more or less what you read. I Tweet for the fun of it and for no other reason but to connect with people. So if you follow me, enjoy the ride. If you unfollow me, thanks for peeking into my world.

Now its time to close this and I may say more or I may not. Stay tuned and see what happens. Until we tweet/meet again, Be Great, because good is the enemy of Great. =)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Twitter Explosion!

Alright, I started a Twitter account a year ago just for me and my sister is on it and one of my best friends is on it. The rest are random people I've started "following" and it's been pretty cool. I also 'follow' celebs and random quotables and sports and funny things. It's 'private' so i need requests to be 'followed'.

Now, since my pending divorce I've added another Twitter account that is 'public'. I basically will tweet the same stuff on one and RT to my other. But not always. I say stuff on one that I don't on the other. I don't have over lapping 'followers' so its not too big a deal. I started my other account maybe a few months ago and had about 30 something followers until a week and a half ago. I like to cruise the trending topics to see what people are saying, or the 'nearby' and see what people around me are talking about. I like to chat and make comments. I can be sarcastic and witty, or I can be sympathetic and deep. It really is what ever random thing that pops into my head.

I have reached over 125 'followers' and have tweeted almost 2,000 tweets. Now I do intend to follow everyone following me and send a DM(direct message) to them to thank them for following me. I do send out a mass tweet to thank everyone at once which I guess would be sufficient but I like to add a personal touch to things.

Side note: every time I say or think 'followers', I think of an occult or something of that nature. These people are interested in what i may have to say and may like something I've commented on or posted from another source. Very neat!!

Anyways, even though this is all cyber-space 'relationships' and yes people represent themselves as they want others to see them, I am quite enjoying my time and 'meeting' new people from all over the place. From Hawaii to South Africa and to Europe. It's an amazing thing Twitter and how it can bring people from all walks of life together for some fun random conversations.

Well, my friends, that's it for now. I must stop fighting sleep and go snuggle with my pillows. I can only be the Best me for me, before I can be the Best me for you...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Single Mommy

So.... Yeah, I've been neglecting this for a while and I really have been busy. Who knew that even with being a single mom and now having to share my precious babies with their father I was still going to be busy. I honestly thought I'd spend my days as a hermit, cry my poor eyes out over missing my babies and not want to start living life as a single mom of three. What is the life of a single mom of three? Is there some kind of handbook for this? Well, if there is no one told me about it. Shame on them!! Just kidding! It's a bit scary trying to navigate this new path. I mean I didn't get married with the intention of getting divorced and I sure didn't think I'd be dealing with 3 kids, no job and learning about the adult version of me at this age. But discovering myself now is better late than never don't you think?

So, the first time my babies went to their dad's was a true test of my strength. I actually cried a lot the week leading up to them spending the night with their dad. It was the little things throughout the day that I realize I'd miss. My son, my Baby and his hugs that are just to sweet for words. He's so pig-headed but it's so fun sparring with him and watching him try to keep up and figure out how to get around me. My mini-me, she my Heart really. Just so beyond what I could ever imagine. She tests me like no one could, but she's just so sweet... As for my oldest Girl, she's so much like her father that we butt heads and maybe it's because she's a teenager, who knows. She so independent already that i miss the days when she was little and wanted me around.

Well, the first night I cried and I actually walked around the house and made their beds (I never do that) and cried my eyes out on My mini-me's bed. And ate junk food and didn't leave the house much. Luckily it was just for a few days and not the entire 4 days. I was just so happy to know they'd be home early that it didn't sink in entirely. It did this time though. I was sad the first day and night bc it's hard getting used to the silence and trying to find things to fill my days. But I had a lot of errands and since it was Spring break it a nice time alone to enjoy the weather.

Wow, I'm tired and not finished with this but it'll do for now bc my eyes are heavy and i need some sleep... Until next time and when i can keep my eyes open... Learn to Love you, so You can Love the one you're with...

Saturday, April 10, 2010


So now what do you do when the person you love the most and want to be with for the rest of your life, lives far away and you only get to see them a few times a year? I'm not a relationship expert nor am I great with relationships... But I chose this topic because it struck a chord with me that seemed like it needed to be thought about and discussed... The 'distance/absence makes a heart grow fonder' garbage is true only if the two people involved feel the same for each other, can articulate their feelings that can make that statement true, foresee a future of some kind, can be true to their feeling for each other and live their lives a separate and together at the same time, or find in each other what the other needs or wants...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oops... Bad Blogger

Been out of it for a while and have neglected my Blog.... Shame on me... But duty calls and I must go where I am needed even if it's at the beck and call of small children. And of course poor health is a good excuse, no? So what shall I speak on today? Hrmmmm...

So I have been going through some intense personal dramas lately and although I have a therapist, family and friends I can speak to, it's not the same as just saying it and not getting a response because I'm not looking for answers per se but just wanting to say it out loud and try to work through it on my own if I can. I feel badly because I haven't really talked to my best friend in months and because she's newly married, I feel like a total downer and it's not a fun place to be. So here I am torn btwn turning this into a Blog about what not to do in a relationship or how to get a divorce... But I won't... Just gonna talk about a feeling. It may just help put things in perspective...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Things that suck...

Things that suck... I thought that was a great way to just vent and say things that are annoying to me and just don't get... For instance, it sucks that when you need to sleep and be well rested, and you can't sleep and no matter how hard you try, sleep doesn't come. 

Or when you think you've done your last load of laundry and you find another pile of clothes mysteriously appear for you to wash... 

How about when you make dinner that took some time and effort and no one wants to eat because they snacked too much or they just don't feel like eating... 

Or when you think you've charged you're iPod enough and it dies on you when you are in the middle of a long run and you just don't think you can finish without the motivation the music gives you... 

Or when you start a post and have so many things to say and then when it comes time to a put it down, you draw a blank!!! oh well, maybe sleep will help...

Saturday, March 6, 2010


so today I went for an early morning run. i haven't done that in too many months to count because i just haven't had the time. i trained and ran 2 half marathons last year and since then have been kind of not able to run. i usually go to the gym and run on the treadmill which isn't my ideal choice of run venue. but this morning i went because my sister was staying the night. with kids too young to stay at home by themselves, it makes for difficult timing for runs. the first thing i noticed about this morning's run was how at peace i felt being outdoors... running is a solitary sport and not for everyone. i only fell into it by accident, but that's a blog for another time. :)

with my iPod in and the cold air on my face i ran a route in my neighborhood that i usually run for an easy 4-5 miles... just being outdoors when Nature is waking up is really neat because you can hear the birds and squirrels and there aren't many cars out. listening to my feet pounding on the pavement and my breathing along with my music is quite nice in comparison to the sound of a machine under your feet and dozens of other people talking and weights being dropped at the gym.

as my strides eat up the distance and i pass by many still sleeping houses, i can honestly say that there are times i can have a clear mind and not be thinking about a thing, and times i feel i can solve the worlds' problems during a run... it's a Spiritual experience at times and it's when i can feel closest to God... now I know that seems like a bit of a stretch for some but it is for me at least, i am at peace and all seems still in the world... i feel the calm come over me and feel the release of any tension i have within and can actually focus on me for once... it's a way to balance my world with the crazy things going on within it, and to energize me for the coming day and what's in store for me...

nearing the end of my run, i start to focus more on what's waiting for me at home... i start to wind down and actually think instead of letting my feet take me where they know where to go... today was going to be a busy day and the run was a way to get me ready to face it all. some days it's great to come back from a run and to just feel the energy around me and other days, i don't have time to enjoy my run... today i got to enjoy it and stay on that high the whole day.

life is like running, there are many curves and bumps on your path but in the end its a satisfying journey...

Multimedia message

Oh goodies!!! I have a new topic for discussion right now... I'm so beyond irritated and maybe it's nothing but none of my Twitter apps are working right now!!! I can't Tweet a thing and have been trying for 30 minutes jumping from one app to another trying in vein to get one to work... I even deleted an account in one of the them to see if that's the issue.... NO it's NOT!!! Why am I irritated? I'm awake!! And want to do something other then try to sleep and most of my Facebook friends are sleeping, so why not Tweet out there in Twitterville and find someone to chat with? Well I can't even reply to anyone Tweets or post my own Tweets... Not really a good reason to be irritated I guess, after I've had this moment to share my 'irritation'. But still irritated all the same... Oh well, I guess I'm off to play Words with Friends, or as I like to call it 'Scrabble with Strangers'... :) peace out all!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Another test....

Now it's gonna be interesting to see if this works also....
Hrmmmm.... What shall I talk about now? Oh, hey I went to buy Girl
Scout Cookies today!! Usually I order them like the rest of the world
who eats them every year like clockwork... But for some reason it
passed me by this year and I was forced to find out where they would
be selling them. Found out they were being sold in front of a grocery
store. Yay me!! So I bought 10 boxes!!!
Oy Vey! So the best ones are the Thin Mints and Do Si Dos... Then of
course the shortbread cookies and the Lemon Cremes... The best way to
enjoy a Thin Mint in my opinion is to freeze them... So
scrumdidliumptious! Yes, a Willy Wonka reference. Does that age me?
Oh well! If you haven't gotten your cookies, do so this weekend or
you will let it go by and say, 'dang, I should have gotten some Girl
Scout Cookies when I had the chance.' or something like that..
Heeheeheee... Ok I guess that's it for tonight. I feel I should have
some witty closing about what I just blogged about... Hrmmmmmm... I'll
think about it and see if I can't get a better handle on where I'm
going with this Blogging stuff... Nighty Night all!!

Multimedia message

This is a test to see if I can blog from my iPhone... Have this thing for my phone and since my computer is lame, I'd rather have options. Good thing, no? If this works then my phone will be in more use now then it ever was... Managing 2 Twitter accounts, Facebook and is enough as it is and I haven't even attempted yet. Oh boy... I'm in for it!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


ok, so this is still technically my first blog entry because, well the night isn't over yet... now I think I've become a social network junkie... Twitter, Facebook and and now this Blog... and I have two separate Twitter accounts one for the public and one just for me. although, i may not get on all of them everyday, they still exist and i still check them and post stuffs. it's my way of keeping the world close and at bay at the same time.

i love how facebook brings you closer to friends you went to high school with or people you used to work with and family you rarely talk to. it brings you close enough that you don't really have to pick up a phone to talk but only if it's necessary. so we keep in touch but from a distance... i like it. you're in my life but not really. i like being around people and talking to people but who has the time?? alright it's time to put this to sleep and decide which random thing in my head will be the next topic. go on, talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you think!!

First Blog...

Today I begin a new chapter in my life... Why? Why not. I need a place to go where I can just say what I want to say and it won't matter what I say because you don't know me. It might be a venting session or confessions of the Heart or some Really Random Ramblings... Either way I'm here and here we go!!