Thursday, July 1, 2010

iPhone Love it Hate it...

Crap! Ok as for that previous post I'll delete it once I'm on my POS PC. But for now it stays... Maybe I'll keep it there as a reminder as to what happens when I press the wrong button on my beloved/hated iPhone. So... New topic today was gonna be about food but I will talk about my iPhone.

I got my iPhone as a Mothers' Day gift last year when I was still married. I wanted to wait for the 3GS coming out a few months later but the ex thought I wanted the iPhone sooner even though I clearly said I can wait a few more months. (see he didn't listen to me, topic for another post) Anywho, got it and fell instantly in love. <3

Yes, I fell in love with an inanimate object that can't love me back in return. Or couldn't care if I loved it or not. Sad but true. It's the story of my life these days it seems. Or if i hate it some days and want to throw it against a wall or strangle it as if it were my ex. ; ) side note: I also hate it too. :( It's a love / hate relationship that I can't ever leave or get enough of.

I had an LG Shine and I loved it bc it was shiny. Hahaha how ridonkulous does that sound? But my daughter was going to Austria to play soccer and was going to need a phone. What to do? Ahh, let's give her my phone and I'll get the new iPhone when it comes out! : ) yay! Problem solved, sort of. She wasn't getting a cell phone till she hit 8th grade and she was barely leaving 6th grade behind when she was going to Austria. Oh well, she needed it so it was all good. Win-win! :)

So I open my gift and I am grateful and happy even though my oldest told her father to wait. : ) I spent the rest of the day uploading phone numbers, looking for pics to use for each contact, ring tones, music and of course the multitude of free Apps!! Holy Free Apps Batman! I went balls out and just started downloading all kind of Apps whether I needed them or not! My first App was Facebook! Of course having easy access to it made me love my iPhone even more!

I know it's just a phone but really it's not. At least to me and a lot of people who also love their iPhones!! It's almost obsessive for some people and I guess you could say I'm one of them. Shhh... Don't tell anyone, but I will sometimes put it in a Ziploc bag and take it into the shower with me. ; ) Hahahaha! I'm so not lyin' about that, and no I will not take a photo of that either! And what do you ask am I using my iPhone in the shower for? I will sometimes play music or I FB, text or even Tweet from the shower. I should do a Tweet-cast from the shower some time! Hahaha! Oh boy that would be high-larious! Oh the trouble I could get into with my phone. ; ) I'm keeping it 'G' but it could all go downhill from here. I can multitask on here like nobodies business. I text, FB, Tweet, take photos and send them, check email and surf the web. Oh how much fun I have on here!

That's all about the love I have for my iPhone. But now for the hate part of it..... : ( There are some days that I really want to give it up for adoption and get a whackberry. But I'd never leave my iPhone for another. Sometimes I get bad reception, in my own freakin' house!! Or some apps act like spoiled brats and don't want to cooperate. Or it'll freeze up on me while I Tweet and then it closes down. It's a pain in my tookus sometimes, but just like my children, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it no matter what. :)

So yeah, my iPhone and I are in a serious relationship. I'm thinking of updating my status on Facebook to that and see what happens. : ) It pisses me off, makes me laugh and smile and of course it gives me what I need. Staying connected with all the important people in my life and giving me an opportunity to be more available to those who need me. In a nutshell, I'm crazy about my iPhone and no I don't need to seek professional help for this addiction. =)