*hanging head in shame* I've been a bad blogger. I'd put myself in timeout but I know I'd enjoy the peace and quiet too much. :) So many things I've been wanting to blog about that my brain actually had some #failwhale action. (Shout out to my obsession, Twitter or just Social Media in general)
But for today I will wax poetic about my 3 beautiful children. They are the funniest little creatures I know. And the are the best and worst of me and their father. (I hesitated and almost said donor... Bad mommy.) The stubbornness, thoughtfulness, sarcasm (yes even from the 4 yr old. Oy!) wittiness, silliness and just loveliness that makes them who they are tickle me to no end.
As much as I enjoy them, they also frustrate me to no end!! Let's talk about our mornings before school. My middle girl, my MiniMe, is sooooooooo sllllooooooowwwwwww. With pretty much everything she does. Love that girl to death but seriously!!??! That is why she gets up first so she can eat breakfast and get ready for school. It could literally take her 20 minutes to drink a small glass of milk. No joke. So she has a timed breakfast and can't still be eating past 7:20 or what ever she doesn't eat will either be taken as lunch/snack for school or tossed. And it's simple food like toast with peanut butter, waffles, cereal w/o milk, (ugh, I know right?) some fruit or a combination of some of them. She gets her own breakfast unless she wants eggs or something she can't reach. And yet it takes her over 40 minutes to eat. Then it's the trial of brushing teeth, washing face, bushings hair, putting on lotion, making lunch and finally putting shoes on. Trust me, it's enough to make a Nun want to contemplate promiscuity. Wow, did I just say that? But it's true.
I didn't mention she has to be clothed before coming out of her room either. That's fun because she forgets to lay her clothes out the night before and then we have issues about her needing to change if what she's wearing is just too much for my eyes that early in the morning.
We live about 7 minutes away from the school she goes to so leaving at 8:00 isn't unreasonable. You'd think right? Wrong-o! I have to literally herd her and the 4 yr old out the door while hoping my oldest daughter got ready and will leave on time also. (Thankfully her school is down the street and around the corner)
I just realized this was to be about my children not just one child. Oh well I have the attention span of a gnat when I get on a roll. So next time it may be about another one of my lovely children.
Where was I? Oh yeah, our morning time ritual of sending me closer to the Shady Pines Sanitarium. I help her make her lunch but mostly it's on her. All of the lunch stuff is there she just needs to choose. Maybe that is the issue, too many choices. Doubtful but a thought. So now the choice is whether or not to eat a peanut butter sandwich(no jelly for her), cheese sandwich or a meat and cheese sandwich. (plain btw, bc she doesn't like mayo or mustard, the horror!) or a tortilla wrap... I didn't have these many options when I as her age!! Lunch made and ready to go and now we hope her 4 yr old brother finished eating also, brushed teeth and got dressed. Oh and me too. If I brush my hair it'd be a miracle if I remembered. Everyone ready? All set to go? Ok good.
This morning time ritual is a total of 65-80 minutes every morning just to get ready for school. Some days are better than others and some just make me want to run away with the gypsies. But I wouldn't feel right if it wasn't like this...