Ok, so now I have a new Social Network addiction. Exactly! Like I needed a new one right? Well this one is like Facebook and Twitter all rolled into one picture perfect package. (say that 5 times fast) My new Social Networking addiction is called Instagram(IG).
Instagram? you ask. Yes, it's an iPhone App that allows you to take photos and share them with perfect strangers or people you know. You can link it to Facebook and Twitter or a few other Blog type websites. It's a fun and easy way to share your interests, family, art, nature, culture or what ever wacky thing you feel like taking a photo of. It will give you a glimpse into the lives of strangers or friends that want to share their photos. At times I feel like I'm being intrusive but if it was too personal, would they share it? Nope, probably not. You can make your IG profile private and allow whom you want to 'follow' you. Again I feel like the word follow is creepy but what else could it be called? Followers or new found friends? It can feel like you're part of a family or community that can be thoughtful, informative, inquisitive and supportive.
Another reason I am so addicted to it is because I get to feel like I'm traveling to other Countries, Cities or States without ever having to leave my bed/couch/bathroom/car... Well you get the picture. To see Japan, a place I'd love to see someday, through the eyes of someone who lives there and what they enjoy about their Country is really amazing. I've 'seen' Australia, Thailand, New York, China, Italy, Texas, Brazil, San Francisco, Hawai'i, Canada, England, New England.... The list is endless and it's a bright and beautiful world we live in. And of course seeing the dark side of some Countries, Cities and States is part of it also. But I still marvel at the sights of place where a photo was taken or the food or people or culture. The world at my fingertips.
The people on IG are generally nice everyday people sharing their lives, culture, interests, Beliefs, humor, tragedy and personality. It's hard to describe but you kind of feel a kinship with some of the people there because of a shared experience or because you live near and see the same things they see or something new you've never noticed. But there are some who will over share or who become intrusive to the point of being rude or even stalkerish... And there will also be some that are just loopy for their pets and really? Who needs to see your cat sleeping every day? Or you're dog dressed in a tutu? I'm not saying they shouldn't take photos of what you like, I'm just saying I'm tired of seeing pets on the 'popular' page when the majority of the photos shown are of beautiful far off places, street scenery, Mother Nature in all her glory or everyday people.
The 'popular' page. The creme da la creme of the IG world. People strive to get on there as a validation I guess that their photos are better than someone elses? I don't know. Some get on it everyday because their 'followers' hope that they get recognized through a comment made or liking the photo. I don't know how you get on it and I don't think it's going to validate my photo of a snail that I took or a photo of my kids. It's not a popularity contest for some, for others it's their mission to get there. I've been a few times but was just surprised and humbled by the fact that a complete stranger liked my photo and took the time to look at it.
iPhonography... That is my brand of photography. I don't claim to be a professional but I do enjoy a good photo of a flower or my kids. I find it amazing that my phone can take such great photos and I can filter it and crop it to enhance any image. I don't know the first thing about photography but I do enjoy snapping pics of things that interest me or I find silly and funny. I'm not on IG for anything but fun. And a good chat with someone from another Country or State or City.
So, it's curbed my time on Twitter and I've been on Facebook but IG is running the show most days. I can't wait to see what fun and wonderful things await me each day. And yes sometimes all day or many hours... I need sleep and I forget to eat sometimes... I need help!!!
Say cheese!!! :)
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