Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everything Changes

Change... Is an inevitable thing that happens whether we are prepared for it or not. Or whether we want it to happen or not. It just happens. Sometimes things are beyond our control and sometimes things happen for reasons only reason can define.

The change I'm referring to right now isn't the stuff that makes a jingling sound in ones pocket or what women go through when they reach a certain age but the kind that can have a lasting and life altering effect on you.

We have been in the process of moving and the kids and I are moving closer to family. I've been watching the kids and how they have been feeling about it all and so far so good.

Now, let's fast forward to a few months after I started this. We have moved and now the reality set in. They are on the fence about it but for the most part seem ok. The oldest is resistant but is resigned that we aren't moving back to where we used to live.

The little ones are still getting used to the idea of their parents not together anymore so this is just the added craziness they are trying to deal with.

Now it's a year later. They have moments of missing where we used to live. But the worst part in all of this is that their father moved further away and rarely sees them. (but that is a different story).

We've all had to learn to adjust and make changes in our lives and so far not too shabby. I'm happier and they see it, they are happy for the most part and are doing well. So far...

We shall see what happens next.

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